St. Francis of Assisi Newcastle

Our Website is Almost Ready

The Holy Father had decreed that online massed viewed lived satisfied our weekly obligation. Online and televised masses can be found on or as well as our own diocese

An online devotion also recommended, particularly on Good Friday, is the stations of the Cross. Many versions can be found by searching online.

Letter from Fr. Ace

Thank you for supporting our SSVP Drive-thru Food Drive last weekend. It was a great success!

This year there are no St. Vincent de Paul bells because of COVID. The SSVP retained the name ‘Bell’ program so parishioners could identify with the gift card program that was run every year. You can support the program by purchasing a gift card from merchants in Newcastle and Bowmanville. Simply drop your gift card off in the basket provided in the gathering room before Mass. Please drop them off no later than Sunday, December 13. Please include the receipt with the gift card.

 We are once again offering poinsettias for sale to adorn our altar. An order form is attached to this email, or available in the gathering room for those attending Mass in person. Please return forms with payment no later than Sunday, December 13. (via the collection basket or dropped off to the office).

 The COVID Christmas team is asking for your help. Please help us understand what mass you may be attending at Christmas by completing the survey at the following link The COVID Christmas team will review and determine what actions are needed to take place to accommodate the capacity in the church.

Please respond by November 30.